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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1583
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2024 .16 .7217
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 16،
number In Volume 11،
issue Number 93
Analyzing and investigating the link between intertextuality and modern narrative in Buf-e-koor and The nocturnal harmony of the wood orchestra
Marjan Hassanpour , Nahid Akbari (Author in Charge), Hesam Ziaee
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Modernism can be considered one of the most important schools of contemporary fiction literature. The main difference between modernism and the schools before it, including realism, is the refuge of the characters in the story to the inner world, to the extent that it can be said that instead of narrating the external world and surrounding events, the modern writer focuses on the spiritual and mental changes and conflicts of the characters in the story. It gives and shows, and by breaking the narrative and linear structure and with the help of the fluid flow of the narrative, the plurality of narrators, etc., the story in the line of the past novels, the components of dissociation, wandering, death thoughts, originality of the individual, change in moral principles and so on. The main purpose of this essay is to examine the components of modernism in the intertextual approach Two fiction works are Buf-e-koor by Sadegh Hedayat and The nocturnal harmony of the wood orchestra by Reza Ghasemi.
METHODOLOGY: The research method in this article is descriptive-analytical based on finding the modernist components of the intertextual approach in the comparative study of the two novels The nocturnal harmony of the wood orchestra and Buf-e- koor in a library format and using the content analysis technique.
FINDINGS: Two modern stories of the Buf-e-koor and the nocturnal harmony of the wood orchestra have used propositions such as the originality of the individual, absurdity, loss of identity, the separation of the narrative system, the fluid flow of the mind.
CONCLUSION: In the story of Buf-e-koor, Hedayat is interested in breaking the linguistic and spatial system of events, using techniques such as the fluid flow of the mind, nesting and vicious circle, mental associations and the integration of memories and time of the past, present and future in a delirious way, among his story tricks in Buf-e-koor. In a textual analysis, this narrative design can also be seen in the story of The nocturnal harmony of the wood orchestra.
Modernism. Fiction. Sadegh Hedayat. Reza Ghasemi. intertextu
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